Photo-Story showing Contest activities of German Amateur Radio Stations

Bodo DL7AFB and DL7AKL Wolfgang

Activities from 1980 to 1999

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1995 - October, IARU Reg.1 UHF-Contest, DL7AFB/p (JO63CJ), nr. Plau am See, 118m asl

IARU-Reg.1 UHF Contest. Equipment 3 x 21 el. DL6WU, 4CX250 Power Amplifier.

1995 - July, DARC VHF-UHF-SHF-Contest (JO73AD), nr. Golm, 100m asl

1994 - August, Bayrischer Bergtag BBT, I3-DL7AFB/p (JN56WK), Marmolata ~3300m asl

The Queen of Dolomites: Contesting on Marmolada about 3342 m a.s.l.

1990 - February, Bayrischer Bergtag BBT, Y2-DL7AFB/p (JO60FJ), nr. Klingenthal ~800m asl

Funken im Erzgebirge

Amazing, Contesting in Y2!

1987 - August, Bayrischer Bergtag BBT, DL7AFB/p (JN47AU), Feldberg, 1493m asl

neben der Wetterstation am Feldberg/Schwarzwald

Foggy weather during this contest, 4 x 9 element DL6WU on wooden boom

1986 - Oktober, IARU Reg.1 SHF Contest, DL7AFB/p (JN62NM), Hahneberg, 87m asl

DL7AKL mit seiner 23cm Portabelstation auf dem Hahneberg

DL7AKL at his 23cm Portable Station

1985 - August, Bayrischer Bergtag BBT, DL7AFB/p (JN47AU), Feldberg 1493m asl

Wetterstation Feldberg/Schwarzwald DJ5AP im Gespräch mit DF5GX

Meeting with Gerhard, DJ5AP, and Gerold, DF5GX in front of the Antenna Areal

1985 - Summer, Test of BBT contest equipment in Berlin Lübars

Die neue Antenne wird erstmals ausprobiert

DL7AFB testing new portable equipment, light wight 4 x 9 Element 432 MHz Yagi

1984 - First time qrv on 23cm

DL7AFB connecting feed line to parabolic dish antenna (left), 23cm linear Transverter and PA (right)
Transverter design by DK5GB and DL7WC

1984 - DUBUS meeting in Berlin Lichterfelde


1984 - EME Antenna

Worked 6 EME Stations during EME-Contest in October, 1984

1984 - October, IARU Reg1 UHF-SHF-Contest, Contest-Callsign: DL0FI/p

Contest location in Berlin Heiligensee (Konradshöhe) 60m (a.s.l.).

1983 - May, DARC VHF-UHF-SHF-Contest, Contest-Callsign: DL0FI/p

In Co-Operation with our lokal radio club "Ortsverband Berlin Charlottenburg, D01" we started a successful series of contests. First location was the enclave of Berlin-Eiskeller (32m a.s.l.).

IARU Reg1 UHF-SHF-Contest in October 1982, Contest-Callsign: DL0JR/p

(letf) DL7ZL, DC7YS, DL7APV, DL7AFB, DL7AKL mounting the 8 x 21 Element Yagi Array.
(right) On top of campinig caravan DL7APV - DL7AFB
Location "Freizeitpark Lübars" (88m a.s.l.)

Test Setup of the new 8 x 21 Element Yagi Antenna Group in 1982

Nice Antenna, but poor location at our home in Berlin-Charlottenburg (30m a.s.l.)

Equipment between 1981 ~ 1982

(left) 2 x 16 Element F9FT fully erected at 16m above ground
(right) DL7AKL at the radio

1981 - July, VHF DX-Pedition to OZ (JO47, former "ER"-Square)

(left) DL7AFB doing qso on 2-m, (right) SWL Walther and DL7AFB mounting the antenna

> Activities from 2010 to today <

> Activities from 2000 to 2009 <

     last change 19.07.2013 13:33    Haftungsausschluß